US sanctions on more than five hundred individuals and organizations in Russia

The United States has imposed sanctions on more than 500 individuals and organizations in Russia. This information was found in the report of the British media BBC.

According to the report, US President Joe Biden said the people covered by the sanctions were linked to the capture of Alexei Navalny, who died in Russian custody, and the country’s conduct of war.

In addition, the United States will impose an export ban on about a hundred Russian individuals and organizations. The European Union has also imposed new sanctions on Russia. In return, Moscow banned a group of European Union officials from entering Russia.
In a statement, US President Biden said these sanctions would ensure Russian President Vladimir Putin pays a heavy price for aggression abroad and oppression at home. Two years ago he (Putin) wanted to wipe Ukraine off the map. If Putin doesn’t have to pay for his (Navalny’s) death and destruction, he will continue to do so.