Popular Indian small screen TV actor Rituraj Singh has passed away. He was 59 years old at the time of his death. Rituraj died of cardiac arrest on Monday (February 19) night, reported Hindustan Times.
Rituraj Singh’s colleague and friend Amit Bahl confirmed the news of the actor’s death.
According to Hindustan Times, Rituraj was suffering from pancreatic problem. He was hospitalized for the past few days. The actor also returned home from the hospital. Soon after, the news of his death came on Monday midnight. The actor died at his home in Mumbai.
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Rituraj was considered as one of the most popular TV actors in India. He got popularity by acting in several serials including Star Plus’ Anupama. Rituraj once worked hard on the stage. Later, he joined the TV series; ‘Banegi Apai Baat’, ‘Swear; He was found in several popular TV serials including ‘Ahat’, ‘Ladu’. He also worked in movies.